Bad Workmen

A bad workman blames his tools, apparently. It’s one of those aphorisms that may do more harm than good. I get it, of course I do. A good workman (work-person?) doesn’t make excuses. They are adaptable. They ‘Get The Job Done’. Given that, who wouldn’t want to be a good workman? (Or, indeed, work-person.) But …

Milk Jug Anxiety

Few modern devices give me the anxiety jitters quite as much as the dreaded milk jug. You know the one — that metal dispenser you find at the end of every queue in your local Costa or Starbucks or Cath’s Cafe. The exclamation point on every up-til-then successful drinks order. It’s there, waiting to pounce. …

Behavioural Everything

Richard Thaler’s excellent book Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics has inspired me. Thaler is a founding father of Behavioral Economics (he won the Nobel prize in 2017) … but also one funny guy. Because of him, I am now seeing Behavioral possibilities everywhere. I see Behavioral Everything. What is Behavioural Economics? My layman’s understanding …